Providing visibility, empowerment, and hope for young adults and families dealing with a lung cancer diagnosis.

Unfortunately, lung cancer has primarily been referenced as a disease prevalent in older adults with a history of smoking. Limited early diagnosis screening qualifications coupled with a decades old stigma causes an increasing percentage of patients to remain invisible throughout the diagnosis process. This invisibility contributes to delays that can allow the disease to progress. Sadly, younger or individuals with little or no history of smoking do not qualify for screening risk receiving the news of their diagnosis after it has already advanced and spread to other parts of the body.

lung cancer can happen to anyone...

what can we do to help you?


Highlighting your stories on our social media platforms, on our website, in our webinars, through blogs and on YouTube, helps collectively share the lives and journeys surrounding this diagnosis. Our goal is to elevate and emphasize the impact this disease has on young adults. The diagnosis in the younger demographic is rising but there is still a lack of awareness and understanding as to what is contributing to this increase. Generating visibility in greater numbers and on a unified platform will help build a greater understand that anyone can get lung cancer regardless of age or smoking history.


We are here to provide resources to help you understand how to advocate for yourself throughout the diagnosis process, learn the importance of biomarker testing, connect you with research that impacts your future, discover how to access purposeful and proper palliative care, and help point you in the direction of the latest in treatments and clinical trials that are all critical components for living with lung cancer. Our goal is to provide information you may need as you navigate a life of hope after your diagnosis.


Let's be honest, being diagnosed with cancer in your 20, 30, and 40's is different. Cancer is never a part of your story you think about or plan for during these younger years of your life. When you first hear the news of this diagnosis, you feel hopeless. Finding resources, care, and understanding that meet you right where you are in these earlier stages of life is so important. Most young adults are just starting careers, getting married, raising children, and cancer is the farthest thing from your mind. We believe the one thing you deserves most is hope so you can imagine a future despite cancer, in the same way others your age do...without it.