Who we are. What we do. Why you need us. why we need you.

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

Walt Disney

our mission

To improve survival statistics and quality of life for young adults and their families dealing with a lung cancer diagnosis.


Bianca, Leah, and Lindi are not only professionals by trade, but all have a personal experience with lung cancer that led them down the path of advocacy and instilled a passion in them to focus specifically on young adults diagnosed before age 50.

why young lung?

Lung cancer is on the rise in young adults under the age of 50 and researchers are still working hard to understand the reasons why. Most are diagnosed with late-stage disease and had no knowledge they were at risk. If you are a young adult or loved on personally impacted by this disease, we would love to have you join our patient support community on Facebook.

our supporters

We are thankful for those who believe in our mission and choose to discover one of the many ways to support our good work.


We are happy to learn more about how we can help you. Feel free to email us at younglungcancerinitiative@gmail.com.