Patient Conversation Series
PART 1: Ashley discusses how speaking up for herself impacted her diagnosis journey in a positive way.
Part One of this Episode of Patient Conversations with Leah. Ashley she describes her unusual diagnosis journey explaining how she advocated for herself and spoke up for herself and it paid off. She was ultimately diagnosed with stage 1A non-small cell lung cancer at just 38 years old. Ashley describes how she has still had to allow herself time to heal physically and learn how to process the up and…
Lainie talks about what it’s like to live through 7 different cancers diagnoses and having Li-Frameni Syndrome
On this episode of Patient Conversations with Leah: This episode spotlights Lainie, a remarkable woman living with Li-Fraumeni syndrome who has faced seven distinct cancer diagnoses throughout her life. Lainie’s journey is a testament to resilience and advocacy, as she navigates the challenges of living with a rare genetic condition that predisposes her to cancer. In this discussion, Leah and Lainie delve into the complexities of managing multiple diagnoses while…
Teri and Leah both had surgery for stage 4 lung cancer
On a new episode of Patient Conversations with Leah: Teri, who is living with stage 4 lung cancer, shares her story alongside Leah as they reflect on their experiences. Teri opens up about her journey to diagnosis, emphasizing the frustration she felt when her doctor did not take her symptoms seriously. She describes the delays and challenges she faced while trying to get answers, which ultimately led to her diagnosis….
Lexi’s lung cancer story: She advocated for herself with her children in mind
Join us for an inspiring and sincere conversation in the latest episode of the YLCI Podcast: Patient Conversations Series. Hosted by Leah Phillips, lung cancer patient and co-founder of the Young Lung Cancer Initiative, this episode spotlights Lexi Valasek, who was diagnosed with Stage IV NSCLC in November 2023 with a EGFR mutation and exon 20 insertion. She was 37 at the age of diagnosis, just before her 38th birthday….
Maria has been diagnosed with 3 cancers over the past 9 years
oin us for another uplifting and sincere conversation in the fourth episode of the YLCI Podcast: Patient Conversations with Leah. Hosted by Leah Phillips, lung cancer patient and co-founder of the Young Lung Cancer Initiative, alongside Maria Elliott. Maria has been diagnosed with 3 different cancers over the past 9 years, including stage 4 EGFR Lung Cancer. In this candid discussion, Leah and Maria explore Maria’s unique experience of navigating…
Stephen almost gave up on his dream of marriage and kids
Join us for an inspiring and sincere conversation in the latest episode of the YLCI Podcast: Patient Conversations Series. Hosted by Leah Phillips, lung cancer patient and co-founder of the Young Lung Cancer Initiative, this episode spotlights Stephen Huff, who was diagnosed with Stage IV, ALK Positive NSCLC in 2018 at the young age of 29. Stephen knew very little about lung cancer when he was diagnosed since he was…
She went from being a Doctor, to a Patient, and then to an Advocate
Join us for an inspiring and insightful conversation in the latest episode of the YLCI Podcast: Patient Conversations Series. Hosted by Leah Phillips, lung cancer patient and co-founder of the Young Lung Cancer Initiative, this episode features Dr. Sydney Barned, a young physician diagnosed with ALK positive lung cancer at just 33 years old. In this moving discussion, Leah and Sydney delve into Sydney’s journey from being a doctor to…
Diagnosed with lung cancer: the LAST THING Haley expected!
Join us for an inspiring and sincere conversation in the latest episode of the YLCI Podcast: Patient Conversations Series. Hosted by Leah Phillips, lung cancer patient and co-founder of the Young Lung Cancer Initiative, this episode spotlights Haley, who was diagnosed with Stage IV EGFR NSCLC. Haley and Leah live just minutes from one another. Haley discusses how their local community of friends and co-workers have been an instrumental source…
She Hiked Every Day and Still Got Lung Cancer
Samantha was diagnosed recently with HER2 lung cancer, which came as a complete shock. In this episode she takes a deep into the deep emotions that accompany this sort of diagnosis considering her young age and prime physical health. Samantha shares about the invaluable support she received from other patients in the Young Lung Cancer Facebook group and how that inspired her to do more for her own HER2 patient…